What We Do

UMOM is a place of HOPE.

From emergency shelter to affordable housing, UMOM offers a full slate of vital services, rooted in a foundation of trust and proactive support. Our programs are built around a simple formula: jobs + housing = ending homelessness. We work hand-in-hand with every person we serve to solve that formula alongside them.

UMOM is in the business of placing a home within reach. Wherever possible, we employ the ‘Housing First’ approach, moving people into housing as quickly as possible. Once in housing, we address the issues that led to homelessness. The housing first approach has a proven track record and is often among the best ways to end homelessness.

We use several types of housing and housing programs to aid families and single women.

Emergency Shelter

Shelter is a start, not a solution. From the very first contact, we’re preparing for a bigger goal: a return to the community in permanent housing. Our shelters serve families and single women experiencing homelessness.

Learn more about UMOM New Day Centers & Halle Women’s Center.

Jobs & Supportive Services

Obstacles to permanent housing take many forms. Access to job training, healthcare, healthy food, basic financial training, treatment – our programs and services help people tackle the issues that led to homelessness in the first place.

Learn more about programs & services.

Affordable Housing

  • Housing is considered affordable when it takes up less than 30% of household income. It means a family or individual can pay rent or mortgage for the long term and still afford other basic needs like food, clothing, utilities and transportation.

    Permanent affordable housing ends homelessness for families.

    UMOM is a leading provider of Permanent Affordable Housing in the Valley. Learn more about our properties.

  • Rapid Rehousing is an effective approach in use nationwide. At UMOM, we move quickly to place families or individuals into short-term, subsidized housing, then deploy a range of supportive services to overcome barriers to permanent housing.

    This swift move to stability is particularly effective for children. Studies have shown that for each time a child moves, they can lose as much as six months of academic progress.

    If you are interested in becoming a landlord partner and helping connect tenants to vacant units, click here.

  • For a variety of reasons, some people need more than two years of extended shelter. They may be chronically homeless or may experience disabilities like mental illness or chronic health conditions. PSH integrates affordable housing with supportive services and has been shown to be a cost-effective and successful solution.

  • Permanent housing is made affordable for families through rent that is partially paid for with private and/or public funds. UMOM provides privately subsidized housing for low income families, and partners with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and local government agencies to provide Section 8 housing vouchers to families.